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Terms & Conditions
Written Guaranty
Kittens may be returned for a full refund of the purchase price only when accompanied by a Veterinarian's statement of the kitten having a critical disease or defect, not caused by the buyer, within 72-hours of the sale. All of the kitten's papers including Registration papers must be returned in perfect condition without the new owner's name or markings. Any finding, after the first 72-hours, including defects that may be genetic, diseases contracted at the new owner's home or at Vet's Office, airborne or by contact, or diseases the kitten may have been carrying, allergic reactions of the kitty or it's human contacts, or for any other reason, does not qualify for a refund. If kitty cannot be kept for some reason, Cats By Francy may give you back 1/2 the purchase price but is not under obligation to do so. The undersigned new owner agrees to the contract & assumes full responsibility for the kitten from the time of the sale & any expenses it may cause or incur, such as vet visits, tests, medicines, etc. the buyer agrees to love & take very good care of their new kitten.
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